
Read this text right here. You won't.


Yes, that's a lightning bolt

Contrary to popular belief, the above icon is INDEED a lightning bolt. Now, we here in G. Saunder's 5th period Programming class are not ones to be easily fooled, but the above icon really got us for a few seconds. But don't fret. I'm here today to tell you that that is 100% PURELY a lightning bolt. Bet.


Generic icon

Did you know that during the French Revolution, Christianity was banned for 7 months and the Church of Reason was born, where festivals and masses took place celebrating stuff like "Enlightenment day" etc. The more you know



The French Revolution, throughout its 10ish years of existence (it's kinda weird because nobody can really agree on when and where it started) made at least 4 Constitutions, ranging from a constitutional monarchy, to a republic, and eventually the Revolution ended with a quasi-dictatorship under First Consul Napoleon (who then got "elected" emperor for life)

What a good picture amiright
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Another gr8 picture courtesy of the famed Som Mohapatra
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